Coronavirus and Our Current Schedule

Covid-19/Coronavirus Precautions at the Cathedral

We consider the safety of our employees and our parishioners with care and respect.

Update on Visiting the Cathedral:

The protocols that took effect  June 26, 2021 are no longer in force. Please read the following as a courtesy to your fellow worshipers.

  1. While our current situation is not a "pandemic emergency", the Cathedral would like visitors to practice caution during colds and flu season.
  2. The Standard Dispensation will remain: Anyone feeling ill or concerned about infection need not attend. Our livestreaming schedule is still available. Please check the schedule for times. SMC Livestream Mass.
  3. Sunday Obligation is restored, except as noted above in point 2.
  4. Distancing between people (not of the same family) is only three feet if one feels caution is necessary.
  5. Use of missals and Worship Aids and Holy Water and Taking the Collection is returned to normal.

Please check back with us for updates as new information becomes available. Also check the Archdiocese website for opportunities to stay in touch with the Catholic community.