
All Parish Jubilee Multicultural Mass and Food and Dance Festival

Special Mass at 12 Noon followed by a Festival with selection of ethnic foods and Dance performances in Parish Hall reflecting many cultural contributions to our parish and City. Tickets are $20 per Adult (15 years and older) until Sept. 17; Children 5 to 14 only $5 .  After Sept. 17 Adult tickets will be $25. Children under 5 are FREE but must be ticketed. Tickets on sale every weekend after Masses at the Cathedral Reception table, and during the week from 9am - 5pm. SPECIAL RAFFLE: An opportunity to meet and get to know our new Pastor and Rector, Rev. Kevin Kennedy at a special dinner in the Rectory. Raffle tickets ($20 each) are on sale starting 8/6/2022 at the Reception table during the same hours as Festival Tickets. Drawing will take place at the Festival.