
Musical Meditations

ARI Piano Trio, with Jin Kyung Lim, piano. A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.

Musical Meditations

Norm Paskowsky, Organ. A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.

Musical Meditations

Edward Lee, Organ. A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.

Musical Meditations

Katya Kolesnikova, Organ. A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.

Hispanic Day Mass

Main Cathedral 1111 Gough St. Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA, United States

Mass to Honor First Responders, Police and Fire Services

Join Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone and chaplains in honoring law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics and all first responders on the anniversary of 9-11 and continuing the tradition of commemorating the 1946 Herbert Hotel fire. A reception will follow in the event center. All are welcome to attend. Those who serve in any of these professions are invited to come in uniform if they so choose. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Francisco, and San Francisco Fire Department, the San Francisco Police Department; the San Francisco Sheriff's Department.

Musical Meditations

Angela Kraft Cross, Organ. Cesar Franck: Grande Piece Symphonique, Cantibile, and Piece heroique. This recital is part of the Cathedral Franck Cycle, celebrating the composers' 200th birthday. A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.

Musical Meditations

Jeanette Wilkin Tietze, Piano; Friedrich Edelmann, Bassoon, and Rebecca Rust, Cello. A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.

Blessing of the Animals

Please join us for a special Blessing for your pets from noon to 1pm on the Cathedral Plaza! All animals welcome. Please have all dogs on leash, cats in carriers, and other kinds of pets well secured.

Blessing of the Animals

Please join us for a special Blessing for your pets from noon to 1pm on the Cathedral Plaza! All animals welcome. Please have all dogs on leash, cats in carriers, and other kinds of pets well secured.

All Parish Jubilee Multicultural Mass and Food and Dance Festival

Special Mass at 12 Noon followed by a Festival with selection of ethnic foods and Dance performances in Parish Hall reflecting many cultural contributions to our parish and City. Tickets are $20 per Adult (15 years and older) until Sept. 17; Children 5 to 14 only $5 .  After Sept. 17 Adult tickets will be $25. Children under 5 are FREE but must be ticketed. Tickets on sale every weekend after Masses at the Cathedral Reception table, and during the week from 9am - 5pm. SPECIAL RAFFLE: An opportunity to meet and get to know our new Pastor and Rector, Rev. Kevin Kennedy at a special dinner in the Rectory. Raffle tickets ($20 each) are on sale starting 8/6/2022 at the Reception table during the same hours as Festival Tickets. Drawing will take place at the Festival.