
Special Day of Prayer

Day of Prayer for the General Needs of Humankind. Parishioners are asked to observe a Special Day of Prayer in their devotions or other private prayer, in the General Intercessions of the Mass, and through the selection of other liturgical proper prayers for the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours.

Musical Meditations

Friedrich Edelmann, Bassoon; Rebekah Rust, Cello; and Dimitriy Cogan, Piano A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.

Musical Meditations

Main Cathedral 1111 Gough St. Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA, United States

David Troiano, Organ. Works by Buxtehude, Kerll, Eicker, Sweelinck, Becker, Frescobaldi, Gawthrop, Pidbielski, and Cherwien. A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.  

Event Series Weekday Mass

Sunday Mass

Chapel 1111 Gough St. Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA, United States

7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (live-streamed)
1:00 p.m. (Español)

Musical Meditations

Main Cathedral 1111 Gough St. Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA, United States

Katya Kolesnikova, Organ Works by Bach, Chee, Skoryk, Boninghton, Price, and Elliott. A free-will donation to support the Music Program would be most appreciated. Go to our DONATE Page and select MUSIC.